Gold Standard™ Load Frames
Capacities 3K, 10K, 55K
Tests tension and compression in a single mounting
Load Frame including upper platen, columns, nuts, slack adapter, with precision alignment
- Actuator including piston, cylinder, seals, fittings
- 4 post stand, including base structure, panels, powder coating
- Hydraulic pump
- Servo valve assembly
- Air/oil cooler
- Electronic measurement and control for standard channel plus one test channel. Includes BD90 servo amplifier, industrial computer, LVDT position sensor, momentary down switch, wiring, hardware
- SGA amplifier
- 200 series control load cell
- DA-101 control board
- Gold Standard™ cables (2)
- SCBI or HRBSC measurement board (2 channel
- ICS-202 hydraulic control and data analysis software